Data Warehouse Module

Data Warehouse Module

View customer portfolios at a glance

Asset Managers have to make crucial decisions affecting their clients portfolios based on the data they receive. They must have accurate analysis and reporting capabilities and a quick, single view of their customers’ portfolios. Traders, middle and back office managers benefit from an enterprise level view of risk and exposure. The GoldenSource Data Warehouse Module gives our clients a way to centralize and access all customer data.

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The GoldenSource Data Warehouse module centralizes positions data to manage risk, performance and regulatory compliance.

Data-Warehouse-Module icon-8With data streaming in from multiple resources, analysts must have a central storehouse where they can access every aspect of a client’s portfolio. Our clients set the definitions needed which allows integration from multiple sources and the ability to apply business rules across the enterprise.

The Data Warehouse module creates data that is:

  • Subject-oriented
    All data elements relating to the same business object are grouped and linked together
  • Time-variant
    All changes to the data are tracked and recorded so that reports can be produced showing changes over time
  • Non-volatile
    Persistent data: Data is never over-written or deleted – once committed, the data is static, read-only, and retained for future reporting
  • Integration-focused
    The data warehouse can capture data from all operational systems and ensure it is consistent and meets defined quality criteria

The Data Warehouse module integrates with these solutions:

10 Business Impact Areas

  1. Centralizes positions for Order Management and Trading Systems
  2. Improves Compliance across all asset classes and product silos
  3. Shows Transparent and accurate data Assets Under Management (AUM)
  4. Allows Performance and Attribution data to be shared across the firm
  5. Stores risk data in a single repository (can be organized by sector, industry, asset class etc.)
  6. Centralizes inflow/outflow data for cash management savings
  7. Provides collateral management and stock lending programs
  8. Aggregates positions to reconcile futures contracts
  9. Acts as a single repository to feed billing and commission systems
  10. Automates position data collection for client reporting and RFP responses